What should you look for in your student accommodation?
Picking somewhere to live off campus for the first time can be a daunting situation. What questions should you ask? What should you look out for? What makes for a trustworthy landlord? We are here with a list of our top tips to ensure you can have the peace of mind that you can find somewhere great to live for next year!
- Look for an accredited landlord.
Students can ensure they are in safe hands by checking out the new list of landlords that have been accredited by Lancaster University Homes (https://www.lancasteruniversityhomes.co.uk/Accommodation).
A small number of landlords in the area have been approved by the university as providing quality housing and reliable service.
By renting with an accredited landlord, you have the peace of mind that the property has been inspected by the Lancaster University Homes team with your best interests in mind.
Yellow Door Lets are proud to be accredited by the university, receiving consistent praise from the LU Homes team on our second-to-none service and great quality properties. - Look out for hidden costs.
It is all too easy for untrustworthy landlords to hit students with unexpected costs for bills and maintenance without warning.
By renting with Yellow Door Lets, you can assure that your bills, electricity, TV licence, internet etc. are included in your weekly price. The price of our properties even includes full time maintenance and contents insurance.
And don’t forget the little things! Other landlords in the area insist of charging a fortune for the use of washing/drying facilities, or sometimes don’t provide facilities at all, forcing you to have to walk to the launderettes. All of our properties contain free washing/drying facilities, saving you a small fortune over the course of the year. - Location, location, location.
Living on campus it is easy to get used to rolling out of bed and stumbling straight into your 9am lectures, but there are so many benefits to living in close proximity to the services the city centre has to offer. Don’t forget to give some thought to the location of your off campus property.
Luckily at Yellow Door Lets we have something for everyone! Whether you want to be close to the city centre, the Sugarhouse, the University of Cumbria or even in a quiet cul-de-sac, we have something for you. - Don’t miss out!
Every year, there are students who make the mistake of waiting too long to find their housing and end up stuck with unreliable landlords and poor quality housing. Get in there early and give yourself the peace of mind that you have somewhere great to spend your next year of university!
If you would like to make an enquiry or have any questions, get in touch! You can call or text us on 07774920816 or send us an email on info@yellowdoorlets.co.uk.